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Frequently Asked Questions
The majority of clients will not require dietary supplements unless they presently have a documented vitamin deficiency or they are not consuming a balanced diet. Using supplements as an alternative to a sound diet can lead to deficits of other nutrients. It is healthier, and easier for the body to absorb and utilize, to acquire vitamins and minerals from whole food sources as opposed to obtaining them from a pill.
While cardiovascular training is great for building strong hearts and lungs, it doesn’t provide the stimulus the body requires for building bigger, stronger muscles. Bodies are able to adapt fairly quickly to whatever load we ask them to move. Adding strength training to an exercise program allows the client to increase the load on his muscles, alter the range of motion through which the joints move, and target different muscles than those utilized during typical cardiovascular training.
Training sessions should be scheduled when the client is least likely to skip out or cancel. As with any new habit, 10-21 days are typically required to adapt to a new training regimen, including time of day. Stress to clients the importance of commitment to both the exercise sessions and the agreed-upon time of day.
Exercises that incorporate several major muscle groups and are weight bearing will utilize more calories per minute, and thus are going to be better suited for fat loss. The amount of adipose tissue burned after a workout depends, in part, on the exercise intensity during the workout. While both strength training and endurance exercise have been shown to decrease body fat percentage, a combination of endurance and strength training results in more fat loss than either exercise regimen alone.
Although getting eight hours of shut-eye a night has been a general rule of thumb, new research has emerged indicating that seven hours of sleep is optimal for both longevity and brain function. Too much sleep can come with its own set of issues, some of which might be underlying health conditions and/or sleep disorders that need to be addressed such as depression, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, etc.
Sleep in Absolute Peace Wake up to Bright Sunshine
Seven hours of sleep is optimal for both longevity and brain function. Too much sleep can come with its own set of issues, some of which might be underlying health conditions and/or sleep disorders that need to be addressed such as depression, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, etc.